the facebook digest
from reigna. she lived in the same dorm as me during the year.
"My summer plans were: summer courses at aub... then maybe england and (with lots of convincing of the parents) the states
My summer plans now are: avoiding bombs thanks to the genius Nassrallah who decided to declare war on one of the most powerful countries in the world... so maybe the mountains, maybe jordan... maybe beirut. depends on how lucky i feel ;o)
for all who are offended: yeah, this might not be the time to be sarcastic/joke about it but come on... the only way to deal with it is to laugh"
other people on reigna's wall:
"omg i hope everything cools down soon, im so shocked i cant believe whats happening..REIGNA STAY HOME DONT LEAVE. and just like Kareem said.. as soon as u can come to amman!!"
"damn things seem to be getting worse! Good Luck, and i hope things will get better so we can continue our final year!aahh!!!"
"salamtek [feel better], you should get out of there any chance you get! Once they fix the airport or the highways you need to come here or go to Jordan. Seriously be careful and try not to go out much...."
from people on nadia's wall. nadia is reigna's roommate. she is syrian (though she grew up all over the world) and is in syria for the summer:
"good to hear you're all safe and well. I can't believe all this is going on just because of a kidnapping. Talk about Israelis going out of control and not thinking logically. Then again they're allied with the Americans so nothing is ever logical with them ever!"
"72 hours of a total nightmare
im in saudi arabia i have no idea how i made it through alive they bombed the tripoli-damascus road 5 mins after we left the syrian border"
"ive been talking to salam like every couple of hours and to my cousin and who ever i can get a hold of... steph and i are really worried, my cousin and aunt are sleeping in the hallway of their home because theyre very close to the explosions... im so worried... i really hope this ends soon. i miss u and everyone, thank god reigna went up to the north for now"
"so the craziness that is going on now is pretty interesting.... ? we just have to see how things go in the next couple of days, hopefully everythign will get better. btw, we saw the missiles that hit the airport gas reserves... we watched them from our balcony... wowza"
from amer. like nizar, he just finished his first year at mcgill and recently returned to his family in beirut.
[addressing a self-described zionist jew who commented on his wall]
"Listen man...before i had issues with hizbollah, but today i support them till death...Israel is commiting A 21RST CENTURY GENOCIDE...i dont give a shit what you think...i am living on the ground and i have seen with my own eyes pregnant women and children under the rubbles...At every jet passage on top of our heads, the lebanese people, all muslims and christians shout DESTROY THE ZIONISTS...It is true you are backed by the world's strongest state and that you are STRONGR, but that doesnt mean you are RIGHT...We have saying in french that works with this situation : la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure [the rationale of the strongest is still the best]...and to tell you something : ON PREFERE MOURIR DEBOUT QUE VIVRE A GENOUX [we prefer to die over living on our knees] ... OUR PRISONNERS SHALL RETURN AND WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER AND SHALL FIGHT TILL THE LAST SOUL."
[writing to me on my wall]
"ana wa3a2lat (my family ) bikheir [are fine] in our mountain house in bekaa, we are safer, but no place is really safe.
im really worried about my friends in beirut,since civilians are the main target for israeli war planes."
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